Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Baby Steps!

Being a full-time college student and working a full-time/part-time job are two responsibilities that can become really difficult to balance at times, therefore when you try adding eating clean and staying active to your plate things can get complicated.
Going to the gym is not always an option because lets face it, sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day!
For myself, I know going to the gym is always hard after I finish up an 8 hour shift and homework is waiting for me when I get home. That is why I always try to eat as healthy as possible.
We don't need to go to the gym to survive necessarily, but we do need to eat!
 Meal prepping is great, but not everyone has the time or simply the motivation to eat the same meal everyday.
That is why my number one thing is to always surround myself with healthy quick options.
When taking a trip to the grocery store one must always remember to shop for healthy snacks and stay away from temptation. Eating clean and staying away from junk food is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but its all about baby steps!
First thing on my agenda was staying away from temptation (junk food) I refused to put any food that I would later regret eating into my shopping cart and that really helped me!
Lets face it when you get the late night munchies you will feel so much better after eating that granola bar, instead of the powered donuts you daydreamed about in the fourth aisle while grocery shopping.
Taking realistic/attainable baby steps towards your ultimate goal is a major key to success.
* (Dj Khaled voice)

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